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Articles about Holocaust Rescuers and Other Holocaust heroes

See also: Books and film/video/DVDs.

The following is a select list of articles written in English which discuss the lives and actions of Holocaust rescuers and other heroes of the Holocaust. It is intended as a supplement to the main Holocaust rescuers listing of books on the subject of Holocaust rescuers, and the select list of film/video/DVD resources about Holocaust rescuers.

  • Agar, Herbert, "Christian who Dared Death to Save Jews: How Thousands of Jews Escaped Nazis," Jewish Digest, 1961, 6(8),17-20.
  • Arnal, Oscar L., "Catholic Roots of Collaboration and Resistance in France in the 1930s," Canadian Journal of History,1982 (April), 87-110.
  • Arnold, David, "Quiet Hero of the Holocaust," The Boston Globe, October 21, 1990, magazine section, 20-38.
    A wonderful extended article about Walter Süskind, a Dutch rescuer who fraternized with the Nazi in charge of deportations while secretly rescuing thousands of Jewish children.
  • Baron, Lawrence, "Christianities of Complicity and Compassion: Religious Responses to the Holocaust," Plenary Lecture, Rocky Mountain- Great Plains Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, University of Nebraska-Omaha, April 17, l993. (Lecture not yet submitted for publication.)
  • Baron, Lawrence, "The Mobilization of Moral Outrage: Socialist and Calvinist Networks for Rescuing Jews in the Netherlands during the Holocaust," Pacific Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco, April 9, l995 (Lecture not yet submitted for publication.)
  • Bauer, Yehuda, "Christian Behavior During the Holocaust," Jewish Spectator, 1978, 43(3), 17-21.
  • Berenbaum, Michael. "The Mystifying Burden of Goodness," Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies, Vol. 5, No. 3: 18.

  • De Jong, Pieter, "Response of the Churches in the Netherlands to the Nazi Occupation," in Michael D. Ryan's (ed.) Human Responses in the Holocaust: Perpetrators and Victims. Bystanders and Resisters. New York: E. Mellen, 1981.

  • Drinan, Robert F., "The Christian Response to the Holocaust" Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1980, 450,179-189.
  • Eckardt, Alice L., "Christian Responses to the Holocaust," in R.S. Hirt and T. Kessner's Issues in Teaching the Holocaust: A Guide. New York: Yeshiva Univ. Press, 1981, pp. 69-95.
  • Fisher, E.J., "Holocaust and Christian Responsibility," America, 1981, 14 (February), 118-121.
  • Fogelman, Eva, "Moral Heroes of Our Times: Christian Rescuers," America, 1989, 9 (December), 426-429.
  • Friedlander, Saul, "An Extraordinary Catholic Childhood," Commentary 1979, 76(4), 57-66.
  • Grob, Leonard., "Rescue during the Holocaust—and today," Judaism Winter 1997.
  • A thoughtful article that explores the significance of the rescuers' actions to practitioners of various disciplines, as well as to all of humanity.
  • Henry, Patrick, "Banishing the Coercion of Despair: Le Chambon-Sur-Lignon and the Holocaust Today"
  • Henry, Patrick, "Why We Must Teach the Rescuers When We Teach the Holocaust," First Things, 1999
  • Monroe, Kristen, R., "A Different Way of Seeing Things: What We Can Learn From the Rescuers of Jews," Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1: 13.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "Hesed and the Holocaust." Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 1986, 23(1), 90-106.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "Sparks of light." in R. Libowitz (ed.) Faith and freedom, Oxford: Pergamon, 1987, pp. 45-69.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "The altruism of the righteous gentiles." Holocaust & Genocide Studies, 1988, 3(2), 187-196.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "Radical altruism." Midstream, 1987, 33(4), 35-39.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "To the righteous among the nations who risked their lives to rescue Jews." Yad Vashem Studies, 1988, 19, 403-425.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "Fear and comfort: The plight of hidden Jewish children in wartime Poland." Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 1991, 6(4), 397-413.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "Mordecai Paldiel." in Harry J. Cargas Voices from the Holocaust Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1993; pp. 46-55.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "Children on the run." Dimensions, 1993, 7(1), 20-24.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "The righteous among the nations: A new dimension in the annals of humanitarianism." in G. B. Ginzel Mut Zur menschlichkeit, Koln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1993, pp. 157-170.
  • Paldiel, Mordecai. "The rescue of Jewish children in Poland and the Netherlands." in A. L. Eckardt, Burning memory: Times of testing & reckoning. Oxf ord: Pergamon, 1993, pp. 119-139.
  • Schulweis, Harold. "The Fear and Suspicion of Goodness," Dimension: A Journal of Holocaust Studies, Vol. 5, No. 3: 23.
  • Schulweis, Harold. "The Moral Art of Memory," Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1: 7.
  • Tec, Nechama, "Sex Distinctions and Passing As Christians During the Holocaust" East European Quarterly, 1984, 18, 113-123.

For suggestions, corrections, and additions, contact Mark Klempner at mark@heart-has-reasons.com.

Updated November  2010

©2017 Mark Klempner